Task communication

Task communication#

Since soopervisor executes tasks in isolated environments, you must provide a way to pass the output files of each task to upcoming tasks that use them as inputs.

There are two ways of doing so: either mount a shared disk on all containers, or configure a File client to use remote storage; we describe both options in the next sections.

Shared disk#

If using K8s/Argo, you can mount a volume on each pod by adding some configuration to your soopervisor.yaml file. Refer to the Kubernetes configuration schema documentation for details.

Note that the configuration flexibility is limited; if you need a more flexible approach, you can generate the Argo YAML Spec (by running the soopervisor export command), and then edit the generated spec to suit your needs (the spec is generated in {name}/argo.yaml, where {name} is the name of your target environment).

When using Airflow, the soopervisor add generates an output.py file with the Airflow DAG, you can edit this file to configure a shared disk and execute soopervisor export afterwards. The Airflow tutorial shows how to do this, you can see the .py file that the tutorial uses here.

To execute pipelines in AWS Batch, you must create a compute environment, map it to a job queue, and include the job queue name in your soopervisor.yaml file. You can configure a shared disk using Amazon EFS, click here to learn how to configure EFS in your compute environment.

If running on SLURM, sharing a disk depends on your cluster configuration, so ensure you can mount a disk in all nodes and that your pipeline writes their outputs in the shared disk.


If using a shared disk, execute soopervisor export with the --skip-tests flag, otherwise Soopervisor will raise an error if your pipeline does not have a File client configured.

Using remote storage#

As an alternative, you can configure a File client to ensure each task has their input files before execution. We currently support Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage.

To configure a client, add the following to your pipeline.yaml file:

# configure a client
    # note the capital F
    File: clients.get
    # content continues...

Then, create a clients.py file (in the same directory as your pipeline.yaml) and declare a get function that returns a File client instance:

from ploomber.clients import S3Client

def get():
    return S3Client(bucket_name='YOUR-BUCKET-NAME',

Click here to see the S3Client documentation.

from ploomber.clients import GCloudStorageClient

def get():
    return GCloudStorageClient(bucket_name='YOUR-BUCKET-NAME',

Click here to see the GCloudStorageClient documentation.

Next, create a credentials.json (in the same directory as your pipeline.yaml) with your authentication information. The file should look like this:

    "aws_access_key_id": "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-ID",
    "aws_secret_access_key": "YOU-SECRET-ACCESS-KEY"
    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "project-id",
    "private_key_id": "private-key-id",
    "private_key": "private-key",
    "client_email": "client-email",
    "client_id": "client-id",
    "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
    "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
    "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/service-account.iam.gserviceaccount.com"

Note: If you’re using a Docker-based exporter (K8s/Argo, Airflow, or AWS Batch),you must ensure that your credentials.json file is included in your Docker image. You can ensure this by adding the following to your soopervisor.yaml

The soopervisor.yaml file:

    # tell soopervisor to include the credentials.json file
    include: [credentials.json]
    # continues

You can check your local configuration by loading your pipeline using ploomber status. If you see a table listing your tasks, it means the client has been configured successfully.

Furthermore, when executing the soopervisor export command and using a Docker-based exporter (K8s/Argo, Airflow, and AWS Batch), Soopervisor will check that the File client in the Docker image is correctly configured by trying to establish a connection with your credentials to the remote storage.