AWS Batch#


This tutorial requires soopervisor 0.6.1 or higher


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AWS Batch is a managed service for batch computing. This tutorial shows you how to submit a Ploomber pipeline to AWS Batch.

If you encounter any issues with this tutorial, let us know.


soopervisor takes your pipeline, packages it, creates a Docker image, uploads it, and submits it for execution; however, you still have to configure the AWS Batch environment. Specifically, you must configure a computing environment and a job queue. Refer to this guide for instructions.


Only EC2 compute environments are supported.

Once you’ve configured an EC2 compute environment and a job queue, continue to the next step.

Setting up project#

First, let’s install ploomber:

pip install ploomber

Fetch an example pipeline:

# get example
ploomber examples -n templates/ml-online -o ml-online
cd ml-online

Configure the development environment:

ploomber install

Then, activate the environment:

conda activate ml-online

Configure S3 client#

We must configure a client to upload all generated artifacts to S3. To obtain such credentials, you may use the AWS console, ensure you give read and write S3 access. You may also create an S3 bucket or use one you already have.

Save a credentials.json file in the root directory (the folder that contains the file) with your authentication keys:

    "aws_access_key_id": "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-ID",
    "aws_secret_access_key": "YOU-SECRET-ACCESS-KEY"

Now, configure the pipeline to upload artifacts to S3. Modify the pipeline.yaml file at ml-online/src/ml_online/pipeline.yaml so it looks like this:

  module: ml_online

  import_tasks_from: pipeline-features.yaml

# add this
    File: ml_online.clients.get_s3

# content continues...

Go to the src/ml_online/ file and edit the get_s3 function, modifying the bucket_name and parent parameters. The latter is the folder inside the bucket to save pipeline artifacts. Ignore the second function; it’s not relevant for this example.

To make sure your pipeline works, run:

ploomber status

You should see a table with a summary. If you see an error, check the traceback to see if it’s an authentication problem or something else.

Submitting a pipeline to AWS Batch#

We are almost ready to submit. To execute tasks in AWS Batch, we must create a Docker image with all our project’s source code.

Create a new repository in Amazon ECR before continuing. Once you create it, authenticate with:

aws ecr get-login-password --region your-region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin your-repository-url/name


Replace your-repository-url/name with your repository’s URL and your-region with the corresponding ECR region

Let’s now create the necessary files to export our Docker image:

# get soopervisor
pip install soopervisor

# register new environment
soopervisor add training --backend aws-batch

Open the soopervisor.yaml file and fill in the missing values in repository, job_queue and region_name.

  backend: aws-batch
  repository: your-repository-url/name
  job_queue: your-job-queue
  region_name: your-region-name
    memory: 16384
    vcpus: 8


You can request custom resources per task, check out the API to learn more.

Submit for execution:

soopervisor export training --skip-tests --ignore-git

The previous command will take a few minutes since it has to build the Docker image from scratch. After that, subsequent runs will be much faster.


If you successfully submitted tasks, but they are stuck in the console in RUNNABLE status. It’s likely that the requested resources (the container_properties section in soopervisor.yaml) exceeded the capacity of the computing environment. Try lowering resources and submit again. If that doesn’t work, check this out.


The number of concurrent jobs is limited by the resources in the Compute Environment. Increase them to run more tasks in parallel.

Congratulations! You just ran Ploomber on AWS Batch!