Docker building process


This guide does not apply if using SLURM.

Installing dependencies

To install dependencies in the Docker image, Soopervisor looks for a requirements.lock.txt (if using pip) or an environment.lock.yml (if using conda). Although not strictly enforced, such files should contain specific versions of each dependency so that breaking changes from any dependency do not break the pipeline. For example, if your project uses ploomber, pandas, and scikit-learn; your dependencies may look like this:

  - ploomber
  - pandas
  - scikit-learn

The lock files generated from such files look like this:

# many other lines...
  - ploomber==0.11
  - pandas==1.2.4
  - scikit-learn==0.24.2
  # many other lines...

You can generate such files with the following commands:

pip freeze > requirements.lock.txt
conda env export --no-build --file environment.lock.yml


If you use ploomber install, lock files are automatically generated.

Included files

To export to any of the supported platforms, Soopervisor creates a Docker image from your project. In most cases, there are files in your project that you want to exclude from the Docker image to reduce its size. Common examples are: virtual environments, data files, or exploratory notebooks.

The process to determine which files to include changes if your project isn’t a package (i.e., there isn’t a file) file or it is a package.

Non-packaged projects

If your project isn’t a package and you’re using git, Soopervisor copies every file tracked by your repository. To see the list of currently tracked files, run the following command:

git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only

This means that you can control what file goes into the Docker image by changing your .gitignore file. If there are git tracked that you want to exclude, use the exclude key in soopervisor.yaml

        - file-to-exclude.txt


If you’re not using git, all files are copied into the Docker image by default. You can control what to exclude using the exclude key.

If there are files that git ignores but you want to include, use the include key:

        - file-to-include.txt


It’s recommended that you use .gitignore to control which files to exclude. The include and exclude keys in soopervisor.yaml should only be used to list a few particular files.

Packaged projects

If your project is a package (i.e., it has a file), a source distribution is generated and copied into the Docker image. This implies that the process to control which files are included is the same used to control which files to include in a source distribution. Unfortunately, there is more than one way to do this. The most reliable way is to use a file, click here to learn more.


You can use ploomber scaffold --package to quickly generate a pre-configured base packaged project. You can then modify the file to customize your build.