Kubernetes (Argo)


This is a quick reference. For a full tutorial, click here.

Step 1: Add target environment


To get a sample pipeline to try this out, see this.

# add a target environment named 'argo'
soopervisor add argo --backend argo-workflows

The command above will generate a pre-configured argo/Dockerfile and a new entry named argo in the soopervisor.yaml file. For information on the configuration schema, click here.

At the very least, you’ll have to modify repository to point it to the container repository.

Step 2: Generate Argo Spec (YAML)

# generate argo yaml spec
soopervisor export argo --skip-tests  --ignore-git

The command will build the docker image, push it to the repository and generate an Argo spec at argo/argo.yaml.

Note that the command above will only export outdated tasks (the ones whose source code has changed since the last execution), to force exporting all tasks:

# force exporting all tasks regardless of status
soopervisor export argo --skip-tests  --ignore-git --mode force


For your pipeline to run successfully, tasks must write their outputs to a common location. You can do this either by creating a shared disk or by adding a storage client. Click here to learn more.

To submit the workflow:

# submit workflow
argo submit -n argo argo/argo.yaml

For more information, refer to Argo’s CLI documentation.